Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My #100


TV shows always celebrate a milestone when they film their 100th episode. Posting my 100th blog has been that way for me...a milestone. I didn't realize I was approaching 100 when I started re-reading my past blogs from the beginning. So when I did see that I had posted #99, I felt very blessed. Blessed that my family and friends would continue to read about our lives through 100 posts. Blessed that God brought us through 100 posts! Blessed in believing I'll have 100 more!

When I started this blog, I was going through a time in my life where things changed daily…hourly even! I needed a way to keep my family and friends updated without running up the phone bill and also enjoyed sharing pictures with them of what was going on in our lives but didn’t want to fill their inboxes! We were far away and our hearts were being refined.

This blog has been through a lot with us…moves, visitors, hospital stays, more hospital stays, holidays, birthdays, friends’ weddings, friends going through transitions, us buying our first house, Mike seeing the beach for the first time…all the things that have shaped us into who we are today. My hope is that it will be with us through many more transitions in our lives…friends and family’s weddings, babies, Mike’s college graduation, me starting and completing grad school (more on that to come!), and all the other things God has in store for us!

Looking back at my first blogs, I see that although so much has changed, so much has stayed the same. Mike and I are still madly in love with each other! We are still attempting to follow God daily! We are still stubborn at following God at times and He gets our attention with sometimes drastic measures! We miss our friends and family every day and want desperately to share our everyday lives with them. But this time around…Mike has a full-time ministry job! We are home-owners! Which means we are staying put!! We own two cars! We have added so many friends to our family! And we still miss our family and friends every day and want desperately to share our everyday lives with them!!

Thank you for sharing our everyday lives with us…even if it is through this blog! We are far away and our hearts are being refined and that is what this blog is about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you guys a lot....Mish