Friday, May 29, 2009

Wish I had a green thumb

My mom has been wanting a picture of the bush in front of our porch for a while. I finally took one as I was leaving work one day. These flowers only bloom in the morning and are closed up by the time I get home. I wish they were open all day. They really add a lot to our porch area.

I've tried to be better about having plants around. I love having plants but tend to kill them. Mike has helped me remember to water but we have to revive them every so often. I have 3 indoor plants, one outdoor pot of flowers, and this bush. We have a lot of greenery and other plants around outside but they don't require much attention.
One of our youth brought over one of those 5-in-1 game sets with volleyball, bad mitten (no idea how to spell), etc. that he will not be using. We plan to set it up in the backyard and start doing things outside with the youth when they are over. We have a good size yard and need to take advantage of it.
If you want to see what we've been up to, visit the Grounded Student Ministries blog (link to your right). We've been busy with World Changers Mission Team Training and other activities. We played water balloon baseball last Wednesday in honor of the last week of school. It was a lot of fun...and yes, I got wet!! It wasn't too bad until we gave them a free for all at the end. I got an ice chest of water poured on me!! Good times...
We had to bypass a storm on our way to Corpus Saturday. We were traveling and saw the black clouds, things swirling ahead, and just, we turned around and went another direction. I caught a a few pictures of the clouds. I am fascinated by the grandness of God through storms.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


5 years ago Friday Mike and I spent the day preparing to be married.
We had no idea what the Lord had in store for us during the first years of our marriage.
We knew we loved each other.
We knew God created us for each other.
We knew we were ready to begin our journey as husband and wife.
I love remembering when Mike and I first met, started dating, got engaged, became husband and wife, and all the other things we've shared together. As we celebrate with friends who expereince those things, I think back to that point in my life.
Brad Paisley has a new song and it has such a great lyrics for remembering those times!
I Thought I Loved You Then
Brad Paisley
I remember trying not to stare the night that I first met you
You had me mesmerized
3 weeks later in the front porch light taking 45 min to kiss you goodnight
I hadn’t told you yet but I thought I loved you then
Now you’re my whole life
now you’re my whole world
I just can’t believe the way I feel about you girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than it’s ever been
We’ve come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then.
I remember taking you back to right where I first met you
You were so surprised
There were people around But I didn’t care
I got down on one knee right there
And once again I thought I loved you then
Now you’re my whole life
now you’re my whole world
I just can’t believe the way I feel about you girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than it’s ever been
We’ve come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then.
I can just see you with a baby on the way
I can just see you when your hair is turning gray
What I can’t see is how I’m ever gonna love you more
But I’ve said that before.
Now you’re my whole life
now you’re my whole world
I just can’t believe the way I feel about you girl
Well look back some day at this moment that we’re in
And I'll look at you and say I thought I loved you then
And I thought I loved you then...

Friday, May 08, 2009

I wanted to share some pictures from my office.
I work in the middle of the country and it is so pretty out here!
Also, there is always exciting stuff going on!

I get to watch/listen to the sprinkler almost everyday...
There's nothing like a sprinkler and green grass to make you
feel like a kid again and daydream about playing in the water!
These are the 3 new horses to the Children's Home.
Heather and I took a quick trip out to the stables with Jake one day to check them out.
Heather is very much a city girl so it is fun to see her around horses.
We had a little friend on our porch today!
This racoon was either sick or trying to find a place to die.
It kept walking around really lethargic. We stayed away! lol
I took this a month or so ago when we got a HEAVY downpour!
It was so nice to stand on the porch and watch the rain.
In West Texas, the wind blows so much when it storms that you get pelted if you step outside!

Have a blessed day!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Check it out...

Just a few quick notes!!

Check out the Specs and Wings blog (listed to the right under "Good Stuff") for a fun option for your summer! Molly will be having online summer art classes...and let me tell ya, her creations are awesome! I am very excited about these classes...I'm thinking of them more like little workshops...because I've been trying to use my creativity more. Gina and I began to use our creativity but it soon fizzled. Maybe this will spruce it up! and...the topics are right where I need to be! So, check it out and I hope some of you will be blessed by this!

Check out the Grounded Student Ministries blog to see our amazing new logos. (Courtesy of Kate!!) She did an amazing job and the youth that have seen the logos are so excited about them!!

Mike and I are going on a double-date tonight to see The Sound of Music!! I'm so excited! I'm sure some of you are wondering how I convinced him to go...but I didn't have to work very hard! One of our youth plays Liesl...the girl that sings "Sixteen Going on Seventeen"!!! I am so excited!!